Is it possible chatGPT will take over jobs?

 The A.I. is already outstripping human candidates on job applications, and top economists have said it will take over half the jobs??

chatGPT will take over jobs


ChatGPT may be coming for our jobs. Here are the 10 roles that AI is most likely to replace.

chatGPT will take over jobs

OpenAI's ChatGPT and other forms of generative AI could be coming to take our jobs.

Here’s the list of 10 jobs that could be replaced by AI.

1.     Stock Market analysts (traders, stock market advisor)

Despite advances in artificial intelligence and data analytics, traders remain in authority.

The primary conclusion is that humans must continue to program the 'robots,' or algos, and interact with actual people. This is what is driving the increased importance of quantitative analysts and, increasingly, data scientists in the trading industry, in addition to programmers.

2.     Animation & graphics designer

As AI algorithms become better at generating designs, many designers fear that their own creativity will become stifled and that they will be forced to rely on pre-existing templates and designs created by computers.

3.     legal assistants (Legal industry jobs ,paralegals)


Lawyers will not have to think about their regular and repetitive tasks because this software will solve the cases. Artificial Intelligence technology would better perform of legal tasks with cost effective manner. It will also reduced to produce printed documents. It would also save space and money as well.


4.     Customer service or technical service agents


AI can be used to automate the tracking of customers' issues and queries without the need for human intervention. This allows companies with large customer service teams to save on costs and increase efficiency.


5.     Online tutor (Teachers)


AI will threaten teaching jobs from the Top Down; the most threatened will be at the Master's, Bachelor's, and to some extent the High School teaching jobs.

However, it is unlikely that AI will completely replace teachers.


6.     Financial Analysts, Personal finance advisor


It's possible that advanced AI technology could play a role in the financial advisory industry in the future. However, it's unlikely that AI will completely replace human financial advisers in the near future,” ChatGPT said.


7.     Technical jobs in IT sector (Coders, programmers, software engineers, data analysts, software developers)

     AI might perform coding and developing tasks in the future. Researchers and AI scientists believe that it will take time for AI to be able to create actual production-worthy and usable code that spans more than a few lines.


8.     Content creation jobs (advertising, content creation, technical writing, journalism)


AI content creation is groundbreaking, but to say that it will replace human writers is to undermine their originality, skills, & expertise.

AI chatbots like ChatGPT use a language-based model, meaning it'll respond to the text you input and then generate outputs based on the data it gathers. But AI-generated content also goes beyond writing.


9.     Finance related jobs (Accountants, and finance analysts)

     It may reduce the need for accountants to do process-driven or repetitive bookkeeping tasks, but not higher-value accounting tasks.

     By automating monotone tasks with AI, accountants can devote their resources mindfully and creatively. They can synthesize their training and experience to analyze AI-compiled data and extract real value through insights and business intelligence.


10.   Market research analysts (Research and development)

Most experts agree that it isn't likely that machine learning-based tools will be able to carry out these functions at the same level as humans any time soon.

Machine learning capabilities understand how your target customer makes purchasing decisions, predicting their behavior by analyzing online buying habits.

AI technology can help to create more effective, insightful and target consumer-specific ads and campaigns through artificial intelligence marketing (AI marketing).

For more information you can go through following links : says#:~:text=ChatGPT%2C%20experts%20said%2C%20can%20create,going%20to%20be%20scary%20powerful.

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